Malaysians Need To Embrace AI To Help Transform The Nation Into A High-Income Country

The recently launched ‘AI Untuk Rakyat’ free programme is designed to help Malaysians understand what AI is all about
(credit: Freepik)

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The MADANI government is eager to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) technology for Malaysia’s economic transformation into a high-income country.

However, the main challenge lies in public “misunderstanding” and resistance to change. Many Malaysians view AI as a threat rather than a positive force, fearing job loss and unemployment, according to Bernama.

Experts argue that this perception is unfounded, emphasising that AI will create highly skilled job opportunities instead of completely replacing human resources.

The ‘AI Untuk Rakyat‘ (AI For People) program, launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is seen as a crucial initiative to educate the public about AI’s importance and benefits.

The program aims to bridge the digital divide, especially between urban and rural residents, fostering digital and AI literacy.

The government’s goal is to make Malaysia digitally and AI-literate, targeting one million users by the end of the year.

Emphasising the inevitability of adapting to AI technology, the program is positioned as a means for society to respond collectively to the government’s vision of a high-income Malaysia.

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