Tricks Illegal Crypto Miners Used To Steal Electricity

Bukit Aman shares what people are willing to do for speculative currency.

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It boggles the mind how much time and money illegal crypto miners are willing to invest in for something that not only is so volatile in value, but, also not recognised as legal tender in the country. 

READ MORE: Cryptocurrency Is Not Legal Tender: Finance Minister

Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Seri Abd Jalil Hassan told Utusan that among the tricks that illegal crypto miners use to steal electricity is to use a stolen identity to register for electric metres with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).

He added that the syndicate members are willing to stay in secluded industrial areas to steal electricity, ensuring that their mining machines would run non-stop while eluding the power bill.  

According to Bukit Aman, 799 cases of illegal crypto mining have been opened by the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) from 2020 to February this year. 

RM69.8 million worth of equipment has been confiscated as well. 

Abd Jalil said that last year saw the highest number of cases opened at 570 cases and RM54.4 million worth of equipment confiscated. 

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