In a significant update to its privacy policy, the popular messaging app Telegram will now share user data, including phone numbers and IP addresses, with authorities when requested through a legitimate legal order. This move aims to assist in tackling crimes that are increasingly being committed through social media platforms.
Online crimes such as financial fraud and the sharing of illicit content, including pornography, have proliferated on platforms like Telegram, making it difficult for law enforcement to track perpetrators who often hide behind fake identities or take advantage of strict privacy policies.
Telegram to Share IP and Phone Numbers When Requested
According to a report from Harian Metro, Telegram will now disclose users’ IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities when requested for criminal investigations. This marks a shift in the platform’s privacy stance as it collaborates more closely with law enforcement.
The updated privacy policy, which was recently uploaded on Telegram’s official website, outlines these new provisions. However, it remains unclear whether this change will apply globally or vary by region, as Telegram has not yet made an official statement on the policy update.
International Implications of the New Policy
While the update indicates Telegram’s willingness to aid in crime prevention, it is yet uncertain whether the policy will be enforced uniformly worldwide or adapted according to local laws.
Previously, Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, mentioned that the platform had already taken significant steps to remove problematic content. Despite this, Durov has recently faced legal scrutiny in France over allegations involving child pornography, drug trafficking, and financial fraud occurring on the platform.
Telegram’s Founder Detained in France
Durov was detained at Le Bourget Airport in France on 24 August, following allegations that he had failed to act decisively against criminal activities occurring on Telegram. French authorities have since been investigating the case, which includes charges related to child pornography and fraudulent transactions facilitated through the app.
These developments suggest that Telegram, which has long been seen as a secure and private messaging platform, is now under increasing pressure to cooperate with authorities in their efforts to combat crime.
For now, users will have to remain vigilant as the scope of Telegram’s new privacy policy becomes clearer, with many likely to be concerned about their data being disclosed to authorities in various regions.
READ MORE: Telegram Founder Pavel Durov’s Detention in Paris Extended Amid Legal Controversies